Advice — noah lukeman

The Three Paragraph Rule - An Excerpt from "How to Write a Great Query Letter"

Posted by Noah Lukeman on

"It seems important to me that beginning writers ponder this--that since 1964, I have never had a book, story, or poem rejected that was not later published. If you know what you are doing, eventually you will run into an editor who knows what he/she is doing. It may take years, but never give up." --Joseph Hansen The best secret I can teach you about writing a great query letter is that less is more. Writers feel the need to cram their letters with information, to widen the margins, lengthen the page, even take several pages. They go on about...

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The Importance of the Journey - Part Six

Posted by Noah Lukeman on

In the previous issue, we examined interdependent journeys, obstacles and destiny, and how all of these might affect the journey and the characters in your work. In this, the final installment, we'll take it one step further, and see if we can't explore the very boundaries of the journey. This means considering a journey that leads to a journey, a character that doesn't journey at all, and the very purpose for the journey itself. Why do readers need journeys after all? The Journey that Leads to a Journey The problem with resolving a journey is that the reader feels he...

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The Importance of the Journey - Part Five

Posted by Noah Lukeman on

Last issue we looked at some of the outside influences that might impact a character's traditional journey, such as his beginning, his destination and circumstance. In this installment we'll continue to examine outside influences which might affect the course of a traditional journey, and give it further meaning and substance. Obstacles Obstacles are among the most powerful of tools at a writer's disposal: they prolong a journey, create problems with resolve, cause conflict, and aid in suspense. Indiana Jones, one of the highest grossing films of all time, is sustained entirely by obstacles. The protagonist has a mission, and as...

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The Importance of the Journey - Part Four

Posted by Noah Lukeman on

Last issue we examined the 7 surface journeys, and learned how finance, friendships, physical change, education, stature and family can quickly and effectively impact a character's journey. We've by now covered all of the profound and surface journeys--yet the journey does not end there. There are other influences that can impact a character's journey, other issues to keep in mind that can have equal weight on his path and destination. Let us consider a few of them. Journey and Circumstance Say your character returns home to find his house burned to the ground, or that he loses his entire family...

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The Importance of the Journey - Part Three

Posted by Noah Lukeman on

Last time we introduced the idea of the "surface" journey, a journey which lacks the depth of a "profound" journey but which is nonetheless highly visible and a powerful aid in complementing a work. One of the seven surface journeys (such as romance) may not have the timeless impact of one of the three profound journeys (such as self-realization), yet romance, or any of the other surface journeys, adds an immediate arc to a work, and most importantly, to a character's journey. In our struggle to create a strong character and a strong journey for him, these highly visible markers...

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